Money Saving Q and A- I'm a Newbie...Coupons, Sales,... Help Me!

Q:  I'm new to couponing am having a hard time figuring  all this out! How in the world do you keep track of what coupons you have and what the sales are? 

A:  This is going to be a BIG answer and some of it is from some of my Couponing 101 posts, but here goes....

Part 1: I can't remember all the coupons I have!  I do the best I can though by organizing them in a way that I can find them best.  I utilize a few different methods.  Here's information from one of my previous articles:

I LOVE to get organized and as soon as I start feeling unorganized and behind, I find I don't use coupons as effectively as I should.  My goal is save my family money and in order to do this, I had to get more organized.  I was getting frustrated with getting home and not using coupons I should have or just not ever being able to find anything.  Although I was organized before, check out my older way HERE, my new method of keeping everything in it's place rocks!  I showed several family members and they think I'm crazy, but I knew my fellow couponers would understand!

First, I bought a new binder!  It zips so my coupons don't fall out everywhere and had handy pockets to hold other things, like scissors and my calculator.  It was only $9.99 at Target.  Check out the slots in the front for current ads, my shopping list, and coupons I need to file.

Next I color coded my tabs with  my labels alphabetically!

Then I switched to the baseball card sleeve method, folding coupons, but am able to see them all.  They are in alphabetical order (roughly) behind each section.  When I first started couponing I saw others using this method and didn't understand why go through all the trouble, after couponing for about a year, I totally get it!  It's so much more effective!

Behind each corresponding tab, I added my Price Check (read info on that HERE) and my quick reference cheat sheet, which I'll be sharing with you all soon!

Here's one of my favorite new things...color coded shopping list!!  I pull this out and write out my list, putting a C next to things with a coupon.

Also, I am keeping a calendar and placing coupons that expire on their corresponding dates.  I just started this and am only doing if for the really important/high dollar coupons, including my Walgreens Register Rewards.

Last, I made a sorting mat!  When I am clipping coupons from inserts, I lay them out on here to help with sorting into the different categories, which I keep folded up in the back of my binder.  I used an old pillow case for this!

From my old method, I still keep all the left overs coupon inserts in dated  file folders and keep all my restaurant, shopping, entertainment, store coupons in the little organizer below.

I am feeling so good now to have everything in it's spot!  By the way... I used the idea HERE to create my binder.  I say, use what ever method works for you, go for it! 
Part 2:
Secondly, my biggest tip in keeping on top of the latest sales is to use blogs!  They are the best resource out there!  Find a blog that does coupon match ups for the stores you shop at and check it each week to help you.  Use the Grocery Gathering to help you in finding a blog that does match ups for your stores.  Here are the steps I take in preparing for grocery shopping:

(previous post)
I have been wanting to write this post for awhile, but have been trying to get my brain around how exactly to go about it. With the help of many pictures, I'd like to explain how I prepare for a coupon trip, step by step.  For those of you who are new to couponing, I am sorry to report that I don't just walk into the store with my coupon binder and come out with bags of groceries and a savings of 75% off.  It truly does take preparation and organization to be an effective couponer.  I am not saying that this is the only way to go about it because there are tons methods, but this is what works for me...currently...I am always changing things up and finding more efficient ways to do things. I hope this tutorial helps someone who is new to couponing or someone who is frustrated with couponing who may find something to try.  If you haven't read my post on my coupon binder, start HERE.  Ok, here are the steps I take before my big coupon shopping trips.  Take a deep breath!  It's a lot to take in, but stay with me and see how it all comes together in the end!

The first thing I do is sit down at my computer and make a list of coupons I need.  I use my coupon match ups, other blogs' match ups, forums, online ads, and my coupon data base to create this list.  

This list is nothing special.  Just a white piece of paper with coupons to find on one side and coupons to print on the other.  I use codes on where to get them, like either in my binder or which insert to look in.  PS~ I know I have manly handwriting...but I can read it! :)

Next, I recommend finding a good spot and spreading out all your needed materials.  I use my binder, sorting mat, shopping lists, scissors, and tub of filed inserts....along with a sweet tea. ;)  By the way, I can't believe I am actually posting this picture of myself.  This is at 10:00 at night after a long day and no make up.  Oh well, just ignore the dinner spot on my shirt, fake smile, and terrible angle!

The I use my list to go through my  binder and filed by date insets to pull out the coupons I am going to for sure use on my shopping trip.  I use my binder as a way to organize coupons at home that I print, get from random sources like the mail, or clip because I know I will eventually use it.  I leave the rest in the inserts to clip when I come across really good deals.  I still take my binder with me to the store to utilize if I find things on markdown or for unadvertised sales.

As I pull out each coupon, I add the item to my shopping list.

I place those coupons on my sorting mat, as I go, keeping them organized by category.

After finding all the coupons from my list, I do a binder run through, starting with my freebie page.  I pull out coupons to add to my sorting mat and jot the products down on my list.  I go through my baseball card holder sleeves, searching for coupons that may expire soon or something we need to buy.  Couponing can be a game of knowing when to hold out for a sale and knowing when to use a coupon out of necessity.

*If you are new, you may want to skip this step.*  As I am going through my binder, I think about my stores I am shopping at.  In the example above, I am shopping at Dillons (doubles coupons up to fifty cents) and Walmart (no doubling).  Fifty cent coupons I usually end up spending at Dillons and add those products to my Dillons list, looking for that doubled coupon extra savings.  Many $1 off or higher coupons I will use at Walmart, utilizing the lower priced selection.  Some things I will put on both lists with a check, which means I will do a price check at each store and use the coupon at the store with the lower priced product.  For example, I haven't heard of any big drug store deals on the higher dollar $2.50 Finish Dish Soap coupon and I have several of them, so I will compare prices at the stores I'll be at, looking for the best deal.

Next I put all coupons that I am for sure using in my smaller holder to have handy at the store.  I found myself needing to do these kinds of trips during the day with my children, so this is the most effecient way for me to be completely ready at the store.  This step could be skipped and the coupons can be left in the just seems more stressful to me.

The next thing I do is head to the kitchen to do some of my flexible meal planning (read my post HERE for details about it).  I check my list to see how many meals I need to buy before my next trip.  I check my fridge shopping list that I add food to during the week as I find that we're about out, so I don't have to make tons of extra trips.  I add these items to my mega list.
I check my fridge, pantry, and stockpile to find meal ideas.

If I'm in the mood, I go through cookbooks for inspiration.

If not, I go to my trusty recipe binder.  It may be ugly and decorated with post it notes, but it keeps my family's tummies happy!

Although I should have stopped there, I here's a peek into my secret recipes.  Although it's mess, I know where everything is!  

I add to my shopping list and meal planning list the few ingredients needed after taking into consideration all the ingredients I will be getting super cheap to free with coupons.  I left this step out for a while, especially on the big coupon trips.  Sometimes its fun to see how low you can get the total at checkout, but to be efficient and avoid running to the store constantly,  you can work up to combining coupon trips with needed ingredients for meals trips.  You'll save time and money. Going to the store more often can result in buying more if your not careful!

That's it!  You made it all the way to the end!  I know it may be a lot to take in, but for someone who is struggling with the steps on how everything comes together, hopefully this helps!  It has taken me some time to find a way that works for me, which like I said, is always changing!  Happy shopping!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on these topics! Leave it in a comment!  Have a question?  Email me at!  Read more Money Saving Q and A HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info! Organizing is painful for me- esp when it involves coupons. Your visual organization for sorting is perfect. I tried stuffing everything into folders, but - it seemes I am always dumping it out and digging again at grocery time.

    One thing I do that helps- I read the blogs and pick out deals, then make a menue for the week, check my pantry, and THEN make a list.
    When I make a grocery list I put a mark by things I have coupons for- then put the coupons I might use in an envelope. If I decide to use the coupon- I put it in another envelope- then when I check out I just hand that envelope to the cashier. I keep both envelopes in a plastic quart/gallon bag to keep my 2 year old from nabbing them and tossing them into the air.

    This works great esp if you need things that you have a coupon for -but will buy generic if its not a great deal. I drag the rest of my coupons along in a binder and bag under the buggy in case I find something on markdown/clearence.

    Bringing bags to sort items for these mega events helps too... Honestly who can keep grocerys in piles of 10 when they shop with children?
