Money Saving Q and A- Online Coupon Sites

  Q: How often do Red Plum/Smart Source/ update their coupons online?  

A:  These websites update some of their coupons daily!  The time when most of them do major updates is the first of the month, especially  I advise to check them atleast once a week and if I notice that there is a random high dollar coupon printable available, I try to blog about it to alert my readers.  

As for many of the manufacture websites with printable coupons, the availability to print a "bricks" coupon that you have already printed seems to be around 30 days, as these sites usually reset their coupons the first of the month as well.  If you've had problems with printing "bricks" coupons, here are some helpful tips:

If you are printing a Bricks coupon (url starts with “….”) you can change a few letters in the url depending on the browser you are using to make the coupon print.

Here is a Bricks coupon example:

The vi in the url is the part you will change to make the coupon print for you. Based on the browser you are using, these are the letters you should put in that spot:
Internet Explorer: vi or wi
Firefox: vg or wg
Safari: xs

Just change those key letters and you should be ready to print!

I'd love to hear your thoughts or tips on this topic! Leave it in a comment!  Have a question?  Email me at!  Read more Money Saving Q and A HERE!

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