I Heart My Health - Fitness Centers

Although walking, riding a bike, or doing workout DVDs are frugal ways to exercise, these ways may not quite be enough for some.  I had tried them all and decided I needed more.  I take making a monthly commitement very seriously, so I decided to compare several local fitness centers in town.  Which is what I would recommend to anyone thinking about joining one.  Many of them offer free passes to try out their gyms, and although anything can sound good on paper or on the internet, there is nothing like jumping in and seeing what the faciltiy is really like for yourself!

For my local, Southern Missouri Readers,  I checked out the new Fitness 19, Ozark Fitness Center, and The Center.  I compared price, cleanliness, childcare, classes available, location, and just the general feel.  Personally, I found Ozark Fitness Center to be an upbeat center with a Women's Gym and amazing classes.  My son loves playing in the Kidnazium and the personal TVs on each piece of cardio equipment is a great perk.  They sat down with me and worked out a deal with me to fit into my budget!  They even throw in a free trainer session, which really helped me understand how to reach my goals.  I give Ozark Fitness Center two thumbs up!

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