Local Deal: Member's Dining

Members Dining allows you unlimited visits to “The List” of Restaurants, where you receive buy one, get one free entrees. The price for a yearly membership is $100 and is for a good cause as proceeds go to organizations such as the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life!  Wait!  Before you think..."$100!  I can't afford that!"  Check out the math below figured with buying a $20 entree.  It truly is a wise investment even if you only go out to eat once a month, which in my opinion, after all the hard work on clippin coupons and cooking frugal meals, eating out once a month at a nice restaurant should be allowed!  (that's what I told my hubby anyway!  =)  ) 

$20(from one free entree) x 12 (one time a month) =  $240 in savings
$20(from one free entree) x 24 (twice a month)= $480 in savings

As you can see, it more than pays for itself and is for a good cause!  The cherry topper is that it's unlimited!!  Plus, there are several fine dining restaurants that I've been wanting to try on the list!  Check them out HERE.

Save up $100 by not going out to eat/cutting back for awhile and then reap the benefit by fine dining for the rest of the year! 

Order your membership online HERE!

Thanks to my frugal friend, Julia, for emailing me this great find! 

Update: Julia recommends buying it at Rerico, because they will let you use it towards your dinner that night due to the late purchase date. Also, the cards expire on 12/1/10, meaning you only have about eight and a half months to use the discount.  Still a good deal in my book!

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