Save your coupons and buy items when they're on sale.
If you find something at a rock bottom price, buy as much as you can! I totally believe in stock piling! It's smart!
Compare grocery plan around what's on sale. Know your prices, but know that it takes time to learn!
Stack store coupons with manufacture coupons.
Stack eCoupons with manufacture coupons.
Eat out less.
Find free entertainment. Parks!
Drink more water. It's free!
Budget! I recommend
Consider buying or atleast trying store brands and generics.
Eat before you shop.
Shop with a list. My exception is when I find something on clearance, have a coupon for it, and would have to buy the item anyway in the near future.
Eat those leftovers! Throwing away food is like throwing away money!
Compare prices with product sizes. Figure the cost per unit always.
Request a rain check when a sale item is out of stock.
When you find a good frugal gift, but it and save it until needed.
Apply the 7 day wait rule when you come across something bigger you want to buy. Most of the time, the desire to buy will pass, and you will find a way to live without it.
Get multiple newspapers.
Be willing to shop at more than one store.
Fill out rebates.
Get your coupons organized so you can use them to their maximum potential!
Save on your utility bill. Run the dishwasher when it's completely full. Only wash a full load of laundry.
Buy clippers (like $30) and cut your husband's hair. It's really a lot easier than I thought.
Get books and DVDs at the library.
Brown bag it!
Read frugal blogs, books, and articles to stay encouraged, motivated, and informed.
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